HCP access declaration

The educational resources and other information on this website have been expertly curated for, and are intended only for Health Care Professionals.

Respect the patients : The cases features on APMEA Oncology website are those of real patients. We request you to accord utmost dignity and respect to the patients while posting comments. Kindly apply the same ethical principles followed by you in your practice to the posts.

Always maintain patient privacy : While sharing the patient case or commenting please anonymize the patient information which disables patient identification. It is our collective responsibility to safeguard patient privacy all the time.

Sharing direct clinical experience : This forum is intended to be a clinical discussion ground for oncology. The oncologists

are therefore requested to  share their direct clinical cases only. You are requested to not share the clinical conditions outside of your clinical practice. This is applicable to both – while posting the case or while making a comment on case report or discussion board.

Respecting the community : This site intends to create and foster the clinical practitioners in oncology from all parts of world. Please do not make any comment which overrides the principles of mutual respect, individual knowledge, experience and co-sharing.

Maintaining professionalism :  While posing a question or replying to a post please maintain professional conduct. Inappropriate, personal, lewd or derogatory remarks should be avoided and shall be removed.

Promotional content : Furthering personal commercial interests or projects go against the spirit of furthering medical knowledge and information. Spamming the platform should be discouraged at all costs.

Giving credit : Co-learning and Co-sharing thrives in a vibrant, collaborative and mutually respecting environment.

While sharing information, resources, links available in public domain appropriate citation is strongly desired. Please do not post the clinical images or reports which do not belong to you.

Data support : While making a post please ensure that it is aptly supported with evidence and backed by data source (references).

Your contributions :  This site can never be complete without user participation and contributions. Please share your clinical cases, opinions on the discussion board. Clinical debates challenge our intellect and push the boundaries in the quest to provide the best patient care. Please share your cases, suggestions to improve the site, constructive criticism at this email address – info@apmeaoncology.com